Day 30 – Nyngan to Sydney

Report by Themis Theodore

We managed to leave Nyngan a bit after 10.00am and that was early considering the time some went to bed the night before.

On the way, we decided to have our first stop at Wellington, where we had brunch. Some people inspected the caves and food houses, bottle glass house, old trains etc, and others didn’t feel like doing much – and who could blame them for being tired, ending a big trip like Foxtrot Papa.

Our next stop was a fuel stop at Orange. The next stop, McDonalds at Lithgow, was an essential stop to farewell Rachelle, where her parents were waiting to pick her up.

We also farewelled Daniel as he was getting dropped off at Blackheath by George. It was a very emotional time for all.

After we left Lithgow we had decided to make our last fuelling stop along the M4 at Eastern Creek where a lot of people left to go straight home. More high emotions and tears.

Finally the remaining vehicles made it to South Hurstville where we said our last farewells and made a promise for a reunion.

Everyone had made their way home by 9.00pm after what had been a very long but just as enjoyable trip and a great experience that will stay with us forever.

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