Day 24 – Barkly Homestead to Mount Isa

Report by Pissy Pete (Peter Marchant)

Point form poetry stuff
Barkly Homestead to Mount Isa
Woke up toooo bloody early
Soccer Ha Ha Ha
Andy took over or overtook again?
At least he keeps us awake
Termite mounds
Crossed N.T. – Q.L.D. border
Stopped at Camooweal
Termite mounds
Mary slammed Branka’s fingers in door
Caroline’s got a mad aunty
Loves beer but hates pubs
Roadkill (feral pig)
Mount Isa
Tour Organiser left her navigator in town
Helped do shopping – Thirsty work!
Danny woke up – been having good dreams all day
Went out for Chinese feed
Neal was a party pooper
Cecil was a good bloke
Everybody’s birthday
Stanley was better
Shouted me and Danny drinks
Wrote a lot of stuff on a serviette

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