Day 11 – Ellery Big Hole to Alice Springs

Report by Shannon Armstrong

An Epic Adventure

Well you look out the window on a cold, cold dawn
Its Seven O’clock on a Tuesday morn
Pour a cup of coffee –
Better make it a strong one

Weatherman on the radio said
Its gonna freeze and its gonna blow
I’m 21 today and we all know –
It’ll be alright in the long run

As the mist of a chilly morning cleared away, the peaceful silence of Ellery Big Hole was interrupted quite abruptly by cheers of celebration and congratulations as I, Shannon Armstrong – the Music Man – turned 21. Yeah!!

There were gifts and signed keys and to top it off an ‘Ode’ by Sally – all of which were greatly appreciated.

Fearing a quick and chilly awakening, I quietly made my way down to the big hole (while most were having breaky) simply to avoid being thrown in – upon which I was faced with the most unusual displays of utter madness that I had ever seen.

With a splash and cry of absolute shock, the once sane doc had plunged himself into the big hole – then quite quickly plunged straight back out again. In a fit of excitement Rita insisted that he return into the freezing waters for a photo. And he did! Not without a very high pitched ‘quick’ while she was focusing the shot – definitely a fine!! – or 3.

After the morning excitement, we broke camp and headed down (or up) the Namatjira Drive to Standley Chasm.

If climbing Uluru wasn’t enough, this time the whole troop skilfully manouvered their way along the bush track to witness the magnificent colour in the rock as the midday sun beams down between the vertical walls. This was, of course, all except our ‘Royal Princess’ who made use of her man servants and was carried – Roman style up to the chasm – palm tree fan and all!! By this time the now nick-named “Mad Doctor” had thawed out from his icecapades earlier.

Lunch was at Standley Chasm’s kiosk and then off to a quick stop-off at Simpson’s Gap, followed by a dash to Alice to prepare for a Mayoral Reception.

Upon arrival at the Alice Springs Council Chambers, Foxtrot Papa was welcomed warmly by the council members, aldermen and so on. There were nibblies, snacks and refreshing drinks.

The mayors speech was a welcomed one with congratulations being given to the Uluru victors and also myself for my 21st. We all were given a copy of a book outlining the history and foundation of Alice.

The night was topped off by an outstanding display of musical talent wich was then followed by the Original ’94 Expeditioners You Beaut Bush Bank and Red Hot karaoke Society performing the extensive repertoire of 3 songs. We said our thankyous and headed back to camp – that was, all except myself, who was taken on an extensive look around Alice so back at camp the others could madly blow up balloons for a ‘surprise’ party. It was and it went down well – Thanks Very Much.

Once the party was over and most went to bed, a group of high flying, handsome, strong, intelligent men and women and Pete, went out for a drink to celebrate my 21st. After trying 3 pubs in town – which were all shut, we decided that the Casino was the go.

Andrew and Peter so like the look of one of the female dealers that they each placed $50 on the blackjack table for a closer look. They looked, they lost, they looked again.

Meanwhile, I had checked out the local Casino band – which were pretty poor – so I commandeered the guitarists instrument and microphone and took over the stage – at least for a few songs.

As the hours slowly ticked on past midnight, it was time for a cab back to camp. Upon leaving, Daniel reversed his chair skilfully down the 5 stairs (holding onto the banister tightly). By the time Peter arrived on the scene, Dan was already at the bottom. Well, not to be outdone, Pete was up on his rear wheels bolting for the staircase, Down 1, Down 2, trip, stumble, fly, crash, fall splat … His famous Casino roll was captured on security video providing entertainment for the security guards that were rostered on the next day. With that, the cab arrived and we all returned to the caravan park and thus ended Day 11 of an epic adventure.

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