Day 18 – Batchelor and Darwin


Most of the group went into Darwin, checking out local attractions. Andrew and Karl were lucky enough to see a school of dolphins in Darwin Harbour. A large group met up at the night markets for a browse and to check out the sunset over the water. Some went to the Air Museum where one can spend many hours. Others went shopping for something suitable for the G-Night the next evening. It was very hot with many of us feeling the heat especially when only a few days earlier we were gathering around campfires to keep warm.

Darwin Night Markets

There was much to enjoy in this beautiful part of Australia, swimming in the local gorges with the most spectacular waterfalls – a most welcomed activity along with the more welcoming sunshiny days from the warmth of the north. The temptation was also much too great knowing that Darwin was only 80kms away, so most of us took advantage of the experience with some of the wheelies booking a unit for the night. The shopping, the markets, the food, the peopleā€¦ was fantastic!!! We had to pinch ourselvesā€¦.we were in Darwin!! Rachelle picked up a didgeridoo which proved to be an entertaining and musical challenge for the rest of us talented wannabee’s!

Darwin Sunset

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