Day 23 – Daly Waters to Barkly Homestead

Rachelle ready for the highlight of her trip - Harley ride from Daly Waters

Packed up and ready to go at 8am, the Harleys turned up and excitement was in the air. They put on the helmets and jackets, we strapped the girl’s feet to the pegs and they set off for a quick run down the old WWII runway. After returning to the front of the Daly Waters Pub for some photos, they set off at the rear of Foxtrot Papa’s convoy then started overtaking down the highway. They must have taken Rachelle, Joy and Mick 70 klms before stopping to drop them off. All 3 hadn’t stopped smiling all day. Must congratulate the BOABs for the outstanding generosity they showed us, truly great Australians. The rest of the drive to Barkly Homestead was a long and boring piece of road, arrived and set up camp with time to spare. Dinner was at the Roadhouse restaurant.

Joy ready for the ride of her life - Harley ride from Daly Waters

As the purr of Harleys broke the morning silence arriving at the camp with a standing ovation, I wanted to wrap that moment up and keep it in my pocket forever! Waving Joy, Rachelle and Mic off on the bikes was a precious treasure of joy for all of us to experience and will always think back on with a smile in our hearts. If life ever gets you down, all you gotta do is think of a day like that, and in an instant life’s good again. Thank you earthly angels of the B.O.A.B.’s and the Foxtrot Papa’s for providing us with yet another joyous memory to take home with us.

Barkly Homestead was the next port of call on the Foxtrot journey and after setting up camp we enjoyed a relaxing night with a scrumptious meal at the Roadhouse, followed by a few games of pool with a bop and a sing-a-long to the classic tunes of the jukebox. Weary from the excitement of the day we tucked into bed early, still glowing from the happy happy joy joy memory.

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