Days 8 & 9 – Yulara

The Rock - Uluru

At Yulara – Free days at the Rock – most had some rest, as well as other activities, such as helicopter joy flights, camel rides, rock climbers and circumnavigators of Uluru. We had a great view of the sunset over the Rock (Uluru) from the viewing site in the campground. We are meeting a lot of friendly tourists (mostly German), some of them joining us around the campfire for drinks and laughs. We also had time to do some organising for some activities later on in the trip. We also promoted Karl as Convoy Leader, relieving Wayne of one of his many tasks. Everyone participating has been pitching in and the group has a good mix of very different people.

Uluru at the start of sunset

Pulled up for a well-earned rest and play break at Yulara. The boys tinkered on their trucks for maintenance and the rest of the troops made a B-line for the laundry armed with clothes, dollar coins and half the red desert! Over the next three days, the Foxes and the Papas scattered to explore The Red Centre in all its glory and wonder, joy flights, helicopter scenic tours and camel rides even!  Okie Dokie climbed the rock and Mick and Andrew did the 10km wheel-a-thon around the rock with a little help from Okie Dokie! Had Happy Hour up at the lookout at the park for front row seats to witness the sun setting on Uluru – Happy Hour, happy snaps and happy Foxes and Papas! Let the good times roll!! A few of the wheelie lads (and Okie!) enjoyed some meet and greet with some German backpackers, who later shared the bonfire, a few ales and some rather hilarious education from true blue aussies at their best! Cheers to Larna and Sophie! Went to the Outback Pioneer for dinner – a massive pub and quite the happenin’ place for tourists and backpackers. The meals were rather expensive! And the price of grog……gob smacking!! $21-$25 for a 6 pack or $84-$100 for a carton. (and you could only buy a carton by the 6 pack!!) After another day of washing, tikki touring and catching some zzzzzz’s, we filled the hungry bellies with curried snags and chicken spag bol. Then it was stack up and pack up with much anticipated excitement for our next adventure to the infamous Boggy Hole.

Hello world!

This trip has been jammed packed full of fun, excitement and adventures – it’s been hard to find the time to put pen to paper! The days have all blurred into one big happy happy joy joy so we’re just going to fill you all in as best we can!

Doing a trip such as this one gives you a beautiful opportunity to experience being part of a family of soul brothers and sisters – a cocktail of humanity filled with characters and personalities that when shaken and stirred, blend into a bubbly cauldron of what life is really all about! If nothing else, we would recommend that at least once in your life  – do it! Life – live it and love it! We’ve seen shy people stand up in the limelight, the reserved and mysterious open up their hearts, the weak become strong and the dependant become independent. The blessings you are also touched with is the opportunity to gain insight and wisdom by sharing your story and experience with others. It’s been a very special and humbling experience. Happy Happy, Joy Joy!!!

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